Harry Sidhu resigns as Mayor of Anaheim

Harry Sidhu
Harry Sidhu


Details to come.

Here is the statement.  Not all the text working well from my iPhone.  Hang in there.

Attorney Paul S. Meyer stated: “A fair and thorough investigation will
prove that Mayor Harry Sidhu did not leak secret information in the hopes of
a later political campaign contribution. His unwavering goal from the start
has been to keep the Angels in Anaheim, so that the this vibrant social and
economic relationship would continue. Mayor Sidhu was appointed as a
member of the City’s negotiating group to help reach a mutually beneficial
agreement between Anaheim and the Angels. A Superior Court judge ruled
that the negotiating group did not violate the Brown Act. The nesonS
followed accepted lawful practices used in all major business
No closed session material, no secret information, was disclosed.
Sidhu. The government affidavit confirms that Harry never a
political campaign contribution that was linked in any way to the political process.


  1. Vern is too Drunk to post.

    Paul Lucas…..pass the bong.

    Meanwhile the other OJB Weirdo’s are watching Nickelodeon (think old white guys lwatching little boys)

  2. Not condoning corruption – interesting to note that violations of the Brown Act are not criminal – not even a misdemeanor.

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