Todd Spitzer
Then-Supervisor Todd Spitzer speaks at a county Board of Supervisors meeting. (Photo by: Nick Gerda/Voice of OC)

The President of California NAACP called Spitzer’s statements “disgusting and atrociously racist beliefs” rooted in “Jim Crow views”


SANTA ANA – In the wake of racist comments made by Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer, Rick Callendar, President of the California State Conference of the NAACP called for Spitzer’s “immediate resignation.” President Callendar stated that Spitzer’s behavior “disqualifies him from being an elected official at any level” and that Spitzer’s remarks reflect “disgusting and atrociously racist beliefs” that “no member of modern civilized society would support or even condone.” Callendar added that Spitzer’s racist remarks reek of “Jim Crow views.”

“In condemning Todd Spitzer’s racist remarks and demanding Spitzer’s immediate resignation, the California NAACP joins a chorus of voices disqualifying Spitzer from holding elected office at any level,” said Former Marine Judge Advocate Pete Hardin. “For 103 years the NAACP’s efforts to stamp out racism have been challenged by racist beliefs held by elected officials like Todd Spitzer. Every day Spitzer remains our top law enforcement official is another day during which racism undermines the integrity of our criminal justice system. Spitzer must resign. If he refuses, voters will vote him out of office this June.”

The call for Spitzer’s resignation by the California NAACP comes as Spitzer hemorrhages support from conservative and liberal prosecutors alike from some of California’s largest counties. San Diego District Attorney Summer Stephan, Riverside District Attorney Mike Hestrin, and Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley have all withdrawn their support for Todd Spitzer citing his “shocking” and racist comments.


Current Orange County District Attorney Republican Todd Spitzer’s tenure has been defined by scandal. Four women in Spitzer’s office have filed claims asserting Spitzer promoted an employee and close friend despite having been made aware of the sexual harassment complaints against him. Spitzer later allowed the employee, who was the best man at his wedding, to retire with top flight benefits. Spitzer also attempted to drop sexual assault charges against high-profile defendants, leading a judge to remove him from the case.  Survivors of the sexual assault survivors were “dragged through the mud” and “grossly mistreated” by Spitzer for two and a half years, leading two of them to abandon their case. 

Spitzer has been involved in an evidence booking scandal, a jailhouse informant scandal, and has defamed a victim of OC’s deadliest mass shooting as retaliation for peaceful protest. Spitzer has also defended a DNA collection program known informally as “Spit and Acquit” that coerces defendants to give up their DNA to law enforcement, a practice the ACLU has called “unconstitutional.

Pete Hardin is a former Judge Advocate in the U.S. Marine Corps, Deputy District Attorney, Special Assistant United States Attorney, and one of Southern California’s leading litigators running for Orange County District Attorney. Pete entered public service when, in 2005, he earned his commission as a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps. A combat veteran, Pete served in Helmand Province, Afghanistan in 2011 and 2012 as a member of 1st Reconnaissance Battalion. Pete is a member of the Democratic Party.

Orange County’s rapidly changing electorate has led Democrats to now outnumber Republicans in Orange County holding a 4.1% voter registration advantage.