1. Now if only Katrina would address the Vern Nelson problem. And believe me it’s a problem.

  2. Supervisor Do’s Chief Of Staff reportedly went “ballistic” over Vern and Donna’s letters, acknowledging that it likely originated from “Very Dark Place”, whatever that means.

    I am surprised that the VOC reporters allowed themselves to become part of the story. I guess you need to stay close to the Aitken supporters,even though they had their hands in the so called stadium swindle.

    • I don’t think Vern and Donna sent that set of documents; pretty pricey for color photocopies and the stamps alone. I’m sure the person who sent it to me was counting on me to publish it. Nah.

  3. In a now deleted post some HB politico former friends of Vern went off on Donna’s FB Page about recieving the letter. She hit Vern hard and suddenly it’s gone. Regardless of who sent it these are unsettling accusations that ANYONE would have difficulty disputing.

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