Year End Charitable Giving

If you’ve ever made a political contribution before, I’m sure your email inbox is like mine — “we’re short of our important Q4 fundraising goal…please send money.” And I’m getting these from US Senate candidates, congressional candidates and local candidates all over.  My PR firm has had a good year; much better than 2020 when the economy was tanking and client budgets were being slashed.  And when the holidays roll around, its a challenge to find the perfect client gift.  Rarely is there a one size fits all.

But I’ve found one in making a charitable contribution in the names of my clients and employees to The Eli Home in Anaheim run by former Anaheim Council Member Lorri Galloway.

For those who don’t need their services, you are fortunate.  But if you want a snapshot into what The Eli Home is about, tune in to the Netflix series “Maid” that’s based on the best-selling memoir by Stephanie Land, also called “Maid.”  Its about a young single mother who leaves an emotionally abusive boyfriend with her toddler and she has no job, no skills, no money, and almost no family support.  Institutions there to provide support make her jump through hoops to get aid to keep her from becoming fully homeless and the legal system offers little support.  Simple things like a roof over her head, food for her toddler, and medical care difficult.  It’s a vicious cycle and charities like The Eli Home are vital to helping families at their most desperate.

Now making a charitable contribution on behalf of clients suffers from an old Seinfeld episode where George Constanza makes contributions to a fake charity.  Lorri writes a letter that I send to clients alerting them to the gift.  The reaction is always extraordinarily positive.  We talk about the Galloway family and their work with victims of domestic violence on client calls before we get down to business.  I get emails from clients afterwards expressing gratitude for the contribution.

Year’s end is coming up.  Please consider making a contribution to help women and children who are the victims of physical and emotional violence by making a contribution to The Eli Home here: