Happy Thanksgiving

When Christmas decorations go up the day after Halloween, it’s a shame Thanksgiving doesn’t get the attention in-between.

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and to be grateful for so many things.  Family.  True friends.  Health.  Things that truly matter and cross over to every person and family.  Look into your heart this Thanksgiving and think of those around your table this year, and think of those who are no longer around to share a meal, a laugh or a story.  Reflect.

Both my father and my son have birthdays that fall on Thanksgiving Day, depending on the year.  My son was born on Thanksgiving Day and his arrival has forever changed the way I view the Holiday.

I grateful for our readers and commenters (who do a very good job of hiding their identities) and my friends in OC.  I’m most grateful for my wonderful family here in California and Back East.  I’m reminder of how lucky I am in so many ways.

So whether you’re having Turkey or Tamales or Pho tomorrow, I hope it’s with those you love and those who bring joy to your life.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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