Is Doug Applegate Throwing in the Towel?

Colonel Doug Applegate, who narrowly lost to Congressman Darrel Issa in 2016 and immediately filed to challenge Issa only to be leapfrogged by Mike Levin for CD-49, has a Plan B if his second run for Congress doesn’t work out.

Applegate, behind in money raised and endorsements gained, has moved his primary residence to Oceanside from South Orange County, making him eligible to run for the San Diego County Board of Supervisors.  This, according to the Voice of San Diego, even though the Applegate for Congress campaign won’t say anything.

From the story:

On Feb. 9, county officials confirm, Democrat Doug Applegate changed his primary residency from San Clemente to Oceanside — creating the possibility of running for the San Diego County Board of Supervisors’ 5th District.

That was two days after SEIU opened an independent expenditure committee in San Diego County to support him, should he decide to run. The only problem was that state law required he establish primary residency in the county district at least 30 days before the nomination period closed. The filing deadline is March 9.

Applegate’s campaign declined to comment for this story.

The well-heeled union is deeply involved in county politics because many of its members work for the county government. In 2014, the union supported Republican Oceanside Mayor Jim Wood over Bill Horn in the 5th District through an independent expenditure committee.

This week, the only Democrat running for the county’s 5th District, Oceanside City Councilwoman Esther Sanchez, finally responded to questions of whether her campaign bid was sincere. She raised no money in the final quarter of 2017, and Democrats had begun talking about which Republican they’d like to see replace Horn, who has held the seat since 1994 but is termed out.

On Facebook, Sanchez confirmed that she had recently dropped out of the county race. “I left to make room for another candidate, as it is definitely a winnable seat for someone other than the 2 now running,” she wrote Tuesday.


Meanwhile, Levin continues to demonstrate leadership among voters in CD-49 with another straw poll victory.

Mike Levin romps in first major straw poll of hundreds of CD49 Democrats

For Immediate Release 2/21/18

‬On February 20, the first major debate involving all five of the Democratic candidates for Congress in District 49 was held. The debate was hosted by the Democratic Women of South Orange County and Canyon Democrats, and moderated by Los Angeles Times Political Reporter Christine Mai-Duc.

The room was packed with over 400 activists and concerned voters.

After the debate a straw poll was taken of attendees. 367 people voted. And Mike Levin won by a wide margin.

The results were:

Mike Levin, 173 votes​​, 47%
Doug Applegate​​, 113 votes​​, 31%
Sara Jacobs​​, 62 votes, ​​17%
Paul Kerr​​, 10 votes, ​​3%
Christina Prejean, ​9 votes​​​, 2%

Voters had an opportunity to see the candidates grapple with a wide range of issues and make the case for why they are best positioned to take on whomever the Republicans put forward. Mike Levin’s experience, dedication and the strength of his grassroots campaign clearly came through.

Levin has been waging an extensive voter contact operation for months. He has raised over $1.3 million from more than 12,000 small donors. And he has earned endorsements from important organizations (like NOW, League of Conservation Voters, Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC, Democracy for America and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.)

Levin has also been endorsed by eight Democratic members of Congress, including Californians Nanette Barragan, Tony Cardenas, Jimmy Gomez, Alan Lowenthal, Adam Schiff, Brad Sherman and Eric Swawell.

An inescapable consensus is rapidly emerging: Mike Levin is the best prepared and best equipped Democratic candidate in CD49.


      • One of Mike’s grandparents was from Mexico; the military vote in Oceanside isn’t as big as you might think it is (absentee ballots back home per se); and Mike isn’t a stalker or a threat to his wife like Doug was. Court documents paint a picture… them

  1. It appears Mr. Applegate can’t read a calendar. He missed his window by 2 days and can’t run for BoS. Thanks Vern Nelson for reading the post. Applegate’s court Filings can be had. I have yours. Interesting reading indeed. And it’s funny when Nelson references #metoo filings as though he has no #metoo accusations himself.

  2. ‘tard? Nice. Not surprised you’d use a slur.

    I believe Lorri. Diamond’s already called you lecherous. The only thing you’ve buried is your credibility and your reputation.

    • A “slur” on this website?

      No way, man! This place is wholesome. Not a Trumpster, perv or freak in sight.

    • Oh ‘Tard is now a slur? Your alt-right friends tell you that? You’re mad I busted you on your stupid Doug story, fuck you.

  3. I am just rolling in from SD.

    LOT’S TO REPORT,Much of which won’t be reported by “Crazy Greg” and compamy, whom I had a great opportunity to mess with but, deferred to Fr. Shipley’s teaching: “Discretion is he better part of valor”.
    Damn that’s no fun though! What a BIG FAT FOOL!

  4. This just in, Paul Lucas, using an alias, sent the letter out about Victor Valladares. He is part of a private Facebook group and he got outed earlier today. He admitted it and even joked about it. The question is, why? Is he into forced sodomy?

    • That’s what I heard, too. Paul Lucas, with some weird vendetta thing against Victor. Strange since Paul has his own meth, dope and gun arrests and serious jail time. You’d think he could relate to Victor but maybe those gay rumors are true. Like maybe the video Victor posted from the male strip club……….just connecting dots.

      • The Henry Paul Lipton letter? I don’t think Lucas wrote it. Words were spelled correctly. There was actual grammar and punctuation. Names were spelled correctly. It was not a Paul. There are some who thought I sent the email. Not my writing style. If I come after you, I sign my name. I was cooking dinner at home when it came out. Three witnesses. Also, My IT guy was logged into my system managing a system repair (I need a new desktop). The sender did a good job masking his IP address and MAC address. But no, it’s not me. It’s not Paul either

  5. November 8, 2013. Remember that day, Vern? The Water Department meeting where we met? I should have been wary about the alcohol on your breath but I guess I was a little naive, being new to activism. Remember what happened a couple of nights later? What you said to me and later what you tried to do to me? I’ve never forgotten that. I know you have been accused of sexual assault recently and I have been nervous after seeing how you attacked that woman running for Mayor but I have strong support and I’m telling my story about what you did to me. I will probably post it here since you stopped answering my emails. Unless you want to answer me. I still have the scars, you know. I feel so badly for your wife. I heard about her black eye. #MeTooVern

    • WOWWWWW….HEY VERN what is up with this?? ANOTHER ONE? YIIIIKES I hope the judge don’t come calling to toss your ass back in jail over this one! Vern Nelson attacks women against their will!

    • I e-mailed and texted. So here it is – take down everything on this thread that claims to be from me including what really is. I was happy being blocked from here. But I wouldn’t let someone come on my blog and pretend to be you if I knew it wasn’t you.

      • Well, I haven’t checked emailed and blocked your number from texting me. I have no idea what your IP address is. The email address is the same you always use. How was I not supposed to know if wasn’t you?

      • I have a screen grab of a comment on your own blog from “Vern” calling me a ‘tard? That wasn’t you. Guess your last sentence isn’t true then is it?

      • Poof. Those comments are gone. But I’ll leave this one up for 24 hours. And yes, I had no trouble thinking it was you

  6. So Vern, who himself has used phony names, “Fourth District” Dave Zenger, Fullerton Hrpoon, wait isn’t that Anaheim resident Dave Zenger? What about the coward Gus Ayres? You know someone once told me “Crazy Greg” had a career as an anonymous coward before his wife bought him a kitchen table at which to practice “law”.
    I find these foolish, unemployed souls to replace what on a Thursday night in 1985 might have been channel 4. NBC Thursdays!

    Entertainment. No one with a job, a life or with any influence takes a: Drunk, an unemployed kitchen table lawyer (with multiple degrees and can’t afford rent?), a fired “artist” whose magnetic tounge is drawn to his developer buddies iron sack!

  7. Even though Paul Lucas sent the Victor letter as “HENRY LIPTON” it’s sad to hear he may be back on the crystal meth again, that stuff is evil but then again so is he so maybe it’s a good fit LMFAO!

    • He’s on salads at McDonald’s; I’ve never seen anyone else eat dinner while attending DPOC meetings

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