DPOC issues statement on UVA

Eric Bauman with DPOC's Fran Sdao
Eric Bauman with DPOC’s Fran Sdao

“On behalf of the Democratic Party of Orange County, I condemn the actions of alt-right inspired white supremacists who raised banners of the Confederacy and Nazi Germany and caused the deaths of Ms. Heather Heyer, a counter-protester, and two police officers,” said Fran Sdao, DPOC Chair. “The Democratic Party recognizes that America’s diversity and tolerance is what makes America great. We call on President Trump to declare these deaths an act of domestic terrorism and ask Attorney General Jeff Sessions to conduct criminal investigations into the protest organizers. This is not an issue of free speech; it’s an issue of hatred and bigotry that tarnishes America’s name. We call on our Republican electeds and friends to condemn this kind of hatred with the same strong voice Democrats have used. As Americans, we must reject this sort of hate speech and violence with one strong voice.”