FivePoint Gets Their Way

November 27, 2013 1

The Irvine City Council caved last night and made a developer super rich. FivePoint got a 3-2 vote after additional concessions that really amount to a drop in the bucket from the city council.

New Rules: From Pope Francis

November 27, 2013 4

I’m not Catholic; at this point in my life I can best describe myself as agnostic when it comes to my faith, spiritual in my beliefs. But I do find that the teachings of people of all faiths to be instructive at times. Such is the case with Pope Francis.

Orange County Young Dems Strive To Make A Difference

November 27, 2013 0

The Orange County Young Democrats (OCYD) are “the official voice for young people in the Democratic Party of Orange County.” While many clubs around Orange County represent specific areas, OCYD represents the youth voice of Democrats from all over Orange County.

Diplomacy is a concept lost on Rep. Ed Royce

November 25, 2013 4

The agreement reached this past weekend between the west and Iran sets a six month time-table and a stepping stone towards a peaceful resolution. But Congressman Ed Royce, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, does not think it’s time to negotiate.

JFK Inspires Us 50 Years Later

November 22, 2013 2

November 22, 1963; 50 years since the last president was assassinated in office and John F. Kennedy was taken from us far too soon. Here’s […]

Thousands attend Naturalization Ceremony in Anaheim

November 22, 2013 0

The Anaheim Convention Center played host Wednesday to over 1,400 immigrants who were naturalized and sworn in as American citizens. In addition to the new citizens, the convention center was also crowded with family and friends who waited outside for their loved ones.