First Mail in 69th Assembly Race Drops for Julio Perez

Dignity PAC Mailer #1 (Julio Perez) , page 1
Dignity PAC Mailer #1 (Julio Perez) , page 1

“Meet Julio Perez,” a mailer from Dignity PAC, an Independent Expenditure committee formed by organized labor groups in Orange County to support Julio Perez for Assembly, started hitting mailboxes last week to voters in the 69th Assembly district. This is the first such mail to hit that we are aware of for this race.  If anybody gets a mailer for any other candidate, please let us know right away.

Dignity PAC Mailer #1 (Julio Perez) , page 2

The interesting piece about this mailer is that the PAC goes after Assembly opponents (and their supporters) OC Clerk Recorder and former Anaheim Mayor Tom Daly and Santa Ana council member Michele Martinez by name.  And while big developers might be on the list of those not supporting Perez, wouldn’t some of those same big developers higher union workers for various aspects of new development construction?

Dignity PAC Mailer #1 (Julio Perez) , page 3

Here is a link to the complete mail piece.  The last panel is interesting in that it makes a claim about Perez’s experience in creating jobs; Daly could easily lay claim to the first bullet listed and helping kids apply to college in his last bullet has nothing to do with the headline of the last panel.  The middle bullet, creating a job training program, is a great thing, but we’d like to see the Perez campaign back up that program with the number of jobs secured by those who took advantage of this program.  Martinez lacks any sort of job creation statistics that she can lay claim to outside of the collective work by the Santa Ana city council; and with the state of the economy in Santa Ana which coincides with her record on the council, claims of true job creation seem loose as well.

Dignity PAC Mailer #1 (Julio Perez) , page 4