For The Love of Perry! DeVore Moving to Texas

Assemblyman Chuck DeVore
Assemblyman Chuck DeVore

I guess we’re not going to have our old friend Chuck DeVore to kick around any more. In a posting on his website former Assemblyman Chuck DeVore has announced that he is moving to Texas. Maybe that’s why he’s been such an ardent supporter of Texas Governor Rick Perry.

Good-bye, California, I’m going to Texas
It’s hard to say “good-bye” – perhaps “au revoir” is better (till we meet again). 

As some of my friends know, our family has been caring for my aged in-laws, 86 and 82.  As with many people who have seen a full life of war and work and raising a family, they need our help.  This assistance has consumed our whole family – in fact, it’s the toughest thing – and the most important thing – we’ve done, even more so than running for statewide office. 

In addition, as with many in the Golden State, I have found it hard to earn enough to support my family.  My old aerospace clientele has fled to greener, less-expensive pastures.  Combined with the drain on our savings caused by six years of public service in the Assembly, we have come to the reluctant conclusion that it is time to move. 

The good news is that there are still other places in America where the taxes are lower and the regulations less onerous than here in California, my home for most of the past 36 years. 

One such place is Texas.

It is there, I am pleased to announce, that I have accepted a position as Senior Visiting Scholar for Fiscal Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.  My first order of business is to write a book on the Texas Model of how low taxes and low government spending, a light and predictable regulatory environment, respect for property rights, and a business-friendly legal climate has turned Texas into America’s jobs generating dynamo.  (In fact, as part of my research, I’ve noted that almost 2 million Californians moved out of the Golden State in the past ten years – Texas, with no income tax, having received the largest number of Californians.)

We could say that we will miss him, but we won’t. I wonder who will challenge Todd Spitzer for the 3rd District Board of Supervisor’s seat next year? Jerry Amante? Stephen Choi? Dennis Bilodeau?

UPDATE: The OCRegister reports that GOP Activist and all around Righeimer clone, Mark Bucher has indicated he will seek the Supervisor’s seat (Read More). He will probably threaten to sue us if we write anything negative about him. Oh well.


  1. …you’d have seen that Mark Bucher’s already declared for the seat, so you can start your attacks today.

    Why didn’t this blog, the voice of at least two Orange County liberals get an award from the Weekly?

    Not paying someone off? Durkee ran away with your funds? Even Gustavo not digging your shit?

  2. 1. Yep, it’s noted and you should note all of us here have full time jobs and blog when we can, so sorry we’re not Johnny on the spot like a publication with paid journalists, but we’ll certainly get to Bucher’s candidacy soon enough.

    2. I doubt we’ll ever get an award from the Weekly not that if matters all that much. I believe we’ve won three awards since launching in 2006; Orange Coast Magazine named us “Best Liberal Blog” in 2009, and we won the OC Press Club award for “Best Political Blog” in 2010; Chris also won an honorable mention for editorial writing in 2010; but please know, we’re not in this for awards. Never have been. Never will be.

    We’ll certainly sell an ad to anyone, but we don’t pay anyone off. We have no relationship with Kindee Durkee. And we don’t seek Gustavo’s approval on “digging our shit.” I loved Gustavo’s first book (actually gave copies ot my clients as a gift); his second book was good but not as good as the first. I am hoping his next one is great.

    I will note, our work does get picked up regularly by a number of mainstream media sites and we have a number of fans in the local news media.

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