Sanchez Announces Orange County receiving $8,941,135 in funding from Homeland Security’s Urban Area Security Initiative

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez - Photo: Chris Prevatt

 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Washington, DC- Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (CA-47), senior member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, today announced that Orange County will receive $8,941,135 in funding for FY 2011 through the Department of Homeland Security’s Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) program.  UASI grants are provided to help local law enforcement in communities at risk of a terrorist attack.

The $8,941,135 in funding for FY 2011 is a nearly $4 million reduction from funding allocated to Orange County last year through the UASI program.  In FY 2010, Orange County received $12,773,050 in UASI funding.  Unfortunately, funding to UASI was slashed by twenty percent in the continuing resolution agreement forced by House Republicans, an agreement which Rep. Sanchez voted against.

“I am disappointed that UASI cannot fully renew last year’s security funding for Orange County,” said Sanchez.  “These are tough economic times but homeland security must remain a priority. I am thankful for the critical funding Orange County did receive.  Orange County is home to many national attractions which require high security at all times and this money will help train and equip first responders and emergency management officials to respond to any threats or disasters that Orange County may face.  Initiatives like UASI help ensure that Orange County receives enough security funding to keep our people safe.”