That’s just one of the phrases that may be heard coming out of the mouth of Ceci Iglesias at her campaign headquarters in Santa Ana. Other phrases that you might here:
- Was this cash for me or the campaign?
- Where’s my handicapped placard?
- Hey Susie, how long before you think someone will notice we haven’t filed our campaign finance reports?
It seems that the insurgent campaign of Ceci Iglesias has had trouble following the law from the get go. No matter how often it’s pointed out, she still can’t figure out a few simple rules.
Rule #1: You must report, in the time frame required by law, all contributions to your campaign. This one should be simple, but not for Ceci a former federal contracts manager for the County. Ceci’s campaign finance report for the period ending September 30, 2010 was due to the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) by October 15th. Ceci, got hers in by the October 21, 2010. Unfortunately she missed the other report that was due on the 21st. That would be the Pre-election report for the period ending on October 13th.
So why is this important you ask? At the end of September Ceci Iglesias reported that she had less than $6,000 in cash on hand in her bank account. Unless she had a sudden surge of fundraising activity it is suspicious, to say the least, that she was able to place a $12,000 television ad buy on Univision that started its run on Saturday. At this point in the election cycle, candidates are required to report within 48 hours all campaign contributions received over $1,000. Since we have no report of any contributions since September 30th, where is she getting her money, and why hasn’t she reported it. To clarify, Ceci has broken at least two, probably three, laws here. Failure to report her contributions and expenses for the period ending 9-30-10 by October 15th, failure to file her pre-election report due on 10-21-10, and probably failure to report withing 48 hours contributions received over $1,000.
Rule #2: In addition to the printing of campaign signs being a reportable expenditure, you must print the name of your campaign committee on all signs, posters, banners, and other campaign materials. I have yet to find one of Ceci’s campaign signs that indicate that they have been paid for by her campaign committee. Now that may seem like a minor technicality, but when you review her FEC reports, there is no indication on any expenditure reported, that she has had ANY signs printed. So again we are left with the question, where did the money come from, and why haven’t the expenditures been reported. This makes a fourth violation of federal campaign law.
Rule #3: When you have personally been caught parking in a handicapped spot while driving a vehicle covered with your undocumented campaign signs and banners, it is probably not the best idea to do it again. As you can see in this photo (below) the vehicle that Ceci drove to the Orange County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce event on Thursday is parked in a handicapped parking spot. While the placard used in the vehicle this time was a temporary one, talk about your cognitive disconnect from reality.
Rule #4: If you lose your job to run for Congress, you need a better explanation than “I’ve done well with my savings” to explain how you’re paying your bills. But that’s what Ceci told Dan Chmielewski at the Orange County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum when he asked her how she was paying her bills.
Iglesias was forced to resign from her county management job when it was discovered that she was violating federal law placing the county taxpayers at risk of being fined in excess of $140,000. Ceci Iglesias is a single mom, living in Orange County. She earned about $76,918 at her county job. She has managed to lend her campaign $35,000 and has been living on “savings” since she left her county job in May. I’ve got to say she must really have a solid investment strategy, and very low personal expenses, to accumulate that kind of cash.
Of course, if you don’t think the rules apply to you, then the rules don’t matter; right? Such is The Simple Life: Starring Ceci Iglesias.
Where’d she get the cash? Friends of Van Tran. Gotta be.
To North, bla,bla:
Thank you for the publicity that you are giving Cecilia; as a voter, I want you to give me more concrete information as to where you are gathering your facts that Cecilia is receiving contribution from overseas. Also, how much is Loretta paying you to cause defamation of character for Cecilia? You forgot to mention that Loretta, Van Tran, Pulido and other candidates do not have the publisher’s information for their sign either. The information does not need to be on the signs, but to be on the FEC reports. Let me guess, it would not be convenient for you to post as you would be putting your employer Loretta down. You need to get your facts right; as for the truck being parked at the Orange County Chamber of Commerce, the handicap permit is clearly there. No, Cecilia was not a passenger in the truck, someone else drove her there. The owner and driver of the truck is a Ceci’s supporter. Loretta’s time ran out; the citizens are sick and tired of her rhetoric of empty promises. District 47 needs true representation from the TRUE INDEPENDENT VOICE and that is CECILIA IGLESIAS!
The foreign Corporations love Cec so much they probably shower her with donations directly into some offshore bank. I am so glad right wing commercials are being funded by the Chamber of Horrors, I mean commerce, so I know precisely how to vote. It doesn’t have to be foreign donations, the US big business donations are enough to turn my stomach.
So what are we going to do about it Chris? How do we get this woman charged and imprisoned like she deserves.
Hey this artical is really mean, and distasteful, I don’t know why u guys keep attacking her, she is a canidate that actually lives in the district, it was a privilege to petition for her for 4 months and two days, I was out there with the team. Our district has 1,064 forclosed homes, Santa ana has a high rise in homicides this year and Lorreta Sanchez has done nothing we can’t afford to send hrr
What is distasteful is that Ceci Iglesias is such a failure at following a few simple rules. She isn’t even ready to run a campaign by the rules. What makes you think that she is ready for Congress.
And for the record, Loretta doesn’t run the city of Santa Ana or its police department, that is the responsibility of the City Council. They are responsible for the crime rate. But Loretta has brought in federal money to increase the number of cops on the streets and teachers in the schools. Loretta has helped push through assistance for home owners facing forclosure. So if those are the reasons you seek change, I’ve got news for you, Loretta isn’t the problem.
P.S. It’s time for a Change go CECI!!!!!!!!! The people of D-47 are sick of Lorreta it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see it, so It’s either TRAN or CECI!!___!!!!
Glad to see you are admitting Van Tran is a viable option. Thank you for proving once and for all Ceci is nothing more than a Van Tran plant.
and clearly, you’re not a rocket scientist Rueben
I can’t believe u people really believe ceci and van tran are close personal friends, ceci is a moderate, and on Nov 2 Will be victorious!!!!! Through mysterious intervention, now she has a plan that I believe all the liberals would love, It’s a pathway to citizenship for illegals that would cost the taxpayers billions, to me that doesn’t sound conservative at all.
GO CECI!!___!!!!!! And Lorreta is responsible for everything that happens in D-47 good or bad
To the Editor:
Thank you for the publicity that you are giving Cecilia; as a voter, I want you to give me more concrete information as to where you are gathering your facts that Cecilia is receiving contribution from overseas. Also, how much is Loretta paying you to cause defamation of character for Cecilia? You forgot to mention that Loretta, Van Tran, Pulido and other candidates do not have the publisher’s information for their sign either. The information does not need to be on the signs, but to be on the FEC reports. Let me guess, it would not be convenient for you to post as you would be putting your employer Loretta down. You need to get your facts right; as for the truck being parked at the Orange County Chamber of Commerce, the handicap permit is clearly there. No, Cecilia was not a passenger in the truck, someone else drove her there. The owner and driver of the truck is a Ceci’s supporter. Loretta’s time ran out; the citizens are sick and tired of her rhetoric of empty promises. District 47 needs true representation from the TRUE INDEPENDENT VOICE and that is CECILIA IGLESIAS!