Salvodoran Leaders to Endorse Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez

This morning we received the following press release.

Rep. Loretta Sanchez

ORANGE COUNTY, CA – On Monday, leaders from Orange County’s Salvadoran community will officially endorse Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez’s campaign for Congress at the iconic El Curtido Pupuseria located at 300 West 5th Street in Santa Ana.

“Congresswoman Sanchez has been a tireless advocate for our community,” said Omar Corletto from the Central American Confederation (COFECA). “She has consistently supported the issues that are important to our community, including job creation, education, and health care. Throughout her time in Congress, Rep. Sanchez has fought to make the American Dream a reality for all Americans. The Salvadorean community is proud to support her reelection.”

“I am very proud to have the support of a diverse group of community leaders and organizations from across Orange County,” said Rep. Sanchez. “I’ve spent my time in Congress fighting to improve the quality of life for all families in my district. Together, we will continue to find ways to create jobs and strengthen the middle class for all Californians.”

Other participants in the press conference will include Oscar Dominguez, President of the Salvadoran Business Corridor, Raul Claros, Co-chair of the Latino Coalition,  Isabel Cardenas, President of the Multiethnic Peace and Reconstruction Fund,  Jennifer Carcamo,  Statewide Coordinator of the Union Salvadorena de Estudiantes Universitarios, Hector Moran of the FMLN, and Salvadoran business leaders Tito Rivera, Armando Artiga, and Luis Cortez.

Throughout her time in Congress, Rep. Sanchez has been a fierce advocate for the people of California’s 47th Congressional District. In September, Rep. Sanchez introduced House Resolution 1619, recognizing 1810 as a critical year for Latinos who sought independence for El Salvador, Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Rep. Sanchez’s resolution also celebrates the enormous economic and cultural contributions of these nations.

Rep. Sanchez has a strong record of service to the Latino community. To help create jobs and strengthen the economy, she was a proud supporter of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This law has strengthened small businesses by providing crucial tax relief for small firms and expanding access to SBA-backed loans. Taken together, these initiatives will help over 1.5 million Hispanic-owned small businesses in Orange County and across the country.


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