Harry Sidhu picks up some more endorsements

This release came in from Harry Sidhu’s campaign for 4th District Supervisor.

Harry Sidhu Endorsed by Police Officers from Fullerton, Placentia, La Habra and Anaheim

Law Enforcement unites in support of Local Businessman for Orange County Supervisor

Harry Sidhu

(Anaheim, CA) – Police Officers across North Orange County today announced their endorsement of Businessman and Anaheim Mayor Pro Tem Harry Sidhu in the run-off election for Orange County Supervisor. 

“Placentia Police Officers are pleased to endorse Harry Sidhu’s election for the Office of 4th District Supervisor,” said Placentia Police Officer and POA President Randy McWilliams.

“Harry Sidhu has a strong record of supporting public safety on the Anaheim City Council.  Fullerton Police Officers believe he will bring this same commitment to the Orange County Board of Supervisors,” declared Fullerton Police Officer and POA President Barry Coffman.

“La Harbra Police Officers commend Harry Sidhu for his public safety leadership.  He has our strong support,” said La Habra Police Officer and POA President Jim Tigner.

“Harry Sidhu has worked tirelessly to put the safety of our city’s residents above all else,” stated Anaheim Police Officer and POA President Kerry Condon.  “The working men and women of the Anaheim Police Officers Association are deeply appreciative of Harry’s efforts and support.  We take great pride in endorsing his election to the Office of County Supervisor.”

“I am humbled to receive the support of the men and women who risk their lives very day to keep our families, neighborhoods and schools safe,” said Sidhu

“This election, voters have a clear choice on the issue of public safety,” continued Sidhu.  “My opponent is a criminal defense lawyer who recently cast the deciding vote AGAINST a county ordinance that would have stopped marijuana shops from being located in unincorporated residential areas of Orange County.  As our next Supervisor, I will bring a much tougher crime fighting approach to the County Board.”


  1. I don’t trust Shawn Nelson either! He secretly is partnered in Night Clubs and Bars in Fullerton where he was a Council Member and many times lied about his clandestine ownership.

    If you go to the California ABC Government website you can see his name on a liquor license for a bar that has recently shut down in Brea.


    His name is on that liquor license, as for the Continental Room he didn’t put his name on the license but he still takes cash profits and makes decisions.

    He was then free to influence city officials for his personal gain such as a major redevelopment project funded by our tax dollars!


  2. Of course they want Harry, he has a clear history of being for sale, or least a really good lease program. He loves public employee union money and will cut a deal with pretty much anyone. If my pay and pension were subject to Harry Sidhu or Shawn Nelson, I would want Harry too. But as a taxpayer, give me Shawn Nelson, the guy with the stones to stand up for those looking for a deal.

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