“Good Jobs Express” Statewide Tour Kick-Off Tuesday at 10 am in Anaheim

Rep. Loretta Sanchez to Join Community Leaders, Workers to Rally for High-Speed Rail, Good Jobs

Event to Highlight Stark Contrasts Between Brown/Whitman on Jobs

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (Photo: Lou Delgado)

Anaheim, CA – Local workers will join community leaders and elected officials, including Rep. Loretta Sanchez, to rally on Tuesday, October 12th in Anaheim for Jerry Brown’s plan to build high-speed rail in California and against Meg Whitman’s proposal to kill a half million permanent new jobs statewide with her opposition to voter-approved high-speed rail. 

The “Good Jobs Express” statewide tour will highlight the need for high-speed rail to spark economic recovery, and the stark contrasts between gubernatorial candidates Brown and Whitman on job creation and rebuilding our infrastructure.

The rally in Anaheim is the launch of a statewide tour along the high-speed rail route from Anaheim to Sacramento. Two unemployed ironworkers will travel the entire route, culminating in Sacramento where they will attempt to confront Whitman at a high-dollar fundraiser in Sacramento to ask her in person why she would oppose a project that could put them – and hundreds of thousands of others – back to work.

Where:            Amtrak Katella Station, 2150 E. Katella Avenue, Anaheim, CA

When:             Tuesday, October 12, 2010 @ 10:00am

1 Comment

  1. We should all ask Gerry Brown and Loretta Sanchez how California is going to pay for High Speed Rail.

    California is broke. California has the worst credit rating of the 50 states, and is the third worst business friendly state. Who’s going to buy the High Speed Rail financing bonds? Wall Street speculators are buying CDSs, Credit Default Swaps, and shorting them, betting that California will default on its debt obligations. California has trillions of dollars of unfunded public pension benefit obligations. California voters, according to polling data, appear ready to commit economic suicide, by embracing the Religious Cult of Global Warming and “Free Energy”, wind and solar. A no vote on Prop 23 in November will guarantee California’s default in 2011.
    You’ve been warned.

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