Pulido received the most compensation and reimbursement of all SCAQMD Board Members in 2009

Mayor Miguel Pulido

The drip, drip, drip of information about Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido’s compensation packages from the various boards he serves on keeps flowing. According to AQMD records, Pulido topped out the list for 2009 compensation at $21,990.87. As shown below his compensation included more than $2050 in travel reimbursements, more than $7,900 in taxable non-monetary compensation for the use of his SCAQMD provided demonstration vehicle, and the maximum of $12,000 in meeting stipends. Not bad for a part-time gig. 

SCAQMD Director Comp Report

After reading a post on another blog that claimed Mayor Pulido said he paid for all expenses and repairs for his AQMD demonstration vehicle I asked if the board members using demonstration vehicles are responsible for the maintenance, towing, repairs, or fuel costs of their vehicles? Kurt Wiese of the District Counsel’s office was kind enough to eventually respond.

A: Members who have been provided demonstration vehicles are not responsible for the costs related to the operation of the vehicles, including maintenance, towing, repairs, or fuel costs.  However members will pay certain of these costs from time-to-time.

Q: Are the members provided reimbursement for any of these expenses?

A: If the member pays expenses related to operation or maintenance of a vehicle, submits receipts documenting the expenses, and requests reimbursement, then under those circumstances reimbursement of verified expenses will be provided.

Mayor Pulido's AQMD provided Prius

The compensation report above shows that Mayor Pulido was reimbursed for more than $2,000 in Travel expenses. I expect that when I eventually get the detail on those expenses most will be for fuel and other expenses related to the use of his AQMD vehicle. Pulido also gets a $500 monthly car allowance from the City of Santa Ana. Mayor Pulido recently had to publicly withdraw from taking medical insurance benefits from the City on top of the benefits he received from the Orange County Transportation Authority. He claimed that the City had continued his medical benefits for years without authorization because the last form he completed was in 2001. That claim actually doesn’t hold up since all plan members are notified annually that they plans will continue without any changes if they take no action during the annual open enrollment period. Of course, that’s just another one of those pesky details he forgot to mention.

Oh, did I forget to mention that the Mayor has a special arrangement with Santa Ana Police Chief Walters to let the him park illegally wherever he is in Santa Ana? All he has to do is place a note on his dashboard saying “Do Not Cite! Mayor’s Vehicle.” At least that’s what the note on the dashboard of his illegally parked vehicle said when he was attending the Labor Day Celebration at the Santa Ana Zoo a few weeks ago.

It’s good to be the King.

1 Comment

  1. Special parking privileges, eh?

    That’s the new Pulido, champion of the Common Man! LOL. He really knows how to mix it up with us common folk.

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