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AD70 Race: Irvine’s Stephen Choi Lets Art Pedroza Carry The Ball

May 31, 2010 10

Irvine Council member Steven Choi, a struggling Republican candidate for the AD-70 race, is using a letter from Orange Juice publisher Art Pedroza to tout Choi’s candidacy. Choi, who’s his own best contributor to his own campaign, must be getting stir crazy in that tiny Woodbridge apartment.

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Update from The Orange County Closing the Latino Achievement Gap Committee

May 30, 2010 2

Over the last several months, the committee has focused on unintended consequences of federal and state accountability policies that rate schools on multiple choice/standardized tests heavily weighted toward Reading and Math. While useful in surfacing the disparities in performance of subgroups, alignment of practice to these high stakes metrics have too often narrowed the curriculum to what’s tested and, to the detriment of Long term English Learners and others, have resulted in practices which do not prepare them for the next level of college and/or career readiness.

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Obama Weekly Address: Honoring the Fallen

May 29, 2010 5

On this day, we honor not just those who’ve worn this country’s uniform, but the men and women who’ve died in its service; who’ve laid down their lives in defense of their fellow citizens; who’ve given their last full measure of devotion to protect the United States of America. These are the men and women I will be honoring this weekend, and I know many of you are doing the same.

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Do as I say, Not as I do

May 28, 2010 9

With our friends at the Orange Juice blog content to make stuff up, I’m again compelled to set some facts straight. Blogger Sean Mill, easily our most loyal reader, sent an email recently to the County Board of Supervisors complaining about Chris Prevatt “blogging” during the business day on county time while Chris is working for the County’s Health Department. I obtained a copy of Sean’s email; Sean wonders how Prevatt can post blog topics while he’s a work. That’s actually easy to explain as WordPress allows us to schedule posts.

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Don’t Ask, Dont Tell Repeal Passes in House of Representatives

May 28, 2010 0

In a 234 – 194 vote, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a $700 billion defense department spending authorization bill which includes a provision for repeal of the ban on gays and lesbians serving in the military. The approval, followed inclusion of the same provision in the Senate version of the bill by the Senate Armed Services Committee. The fight now moves on to the full Senate.

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Anonymous Bloggers for Nelson

May 27, 2010 3

Shawn (“BS” or “Dye Job”) Nelson has secured the prestigious endorsement of an anonymous blogger from the Fullerton’s Lowest Common Denominator” blog. In the classic, “psst, hey buddy….this is the guy you should vote for style,” the blogger “Grover Cleveland” has come out strong for Mr. Half Nelson.

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Another Police Union Dumps Bill Hunt

May 27, 2010 0

The action comes just days after the Santa Ana Police Officers’ Association withdrew its support of Hunt, a former sheriff’s lieutenant running on a law and order platform. Santa Ana officers were angered that Hunt was on the defense team of a reported F-Troop gang member awaiting trial on attempted robbery charges.