Two Titles to this Post: 1) Bill O’Reilly’s Head Just Exploded or 2) Al Franken wins the US Senate Seat in Minnesota

A three judge panel in Minnesota today declared,”…”Franken received the highest number of lawfully cast ballots in the Nov. 4, 2008 general election.”

They also ruled that Franken is entitled to receive the certificate of election.  That means the former SNL star and AirAmerica host is the newest United States Senator from Minnesota.

But wait, former senator and SORE LOSERMAN Norm Coleman is not yet done with his appeals.  Coleman, pictured below (photo courtesy of Flicker’s RNC Clown College page), will contest again that he shouldn’t follow his own election night advice to Franken or do what scores of Republicans chided Al Gore into doing in Florida — CONCEDE.

Norm Coleman (??? R-MN):: Obstructionist Republican Clown by Hebiclens / WMxdesign.

This is another classic example of IOKIYAR (It’s OK if you’re a Republican).  If the shoe was on the other foot, the Republican establishment, led by Rush Limbaugh (pictured below), would be calling on Franken to quit.  I, for one, can’t wait to see what kind of coverage Senator Al Franken gets from Fox News.

Rush Limbaugh (Pundit R-EIB):: Obstructionist Republican Clown by Hebiclens / WMxdesign.


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