The Gang That Couldn’t Appoint Straight

By Michael D. Fox/The Moving Target
Contributing Writer

ysguns2During the presidential election campaign, even Barack Obama’s most severe detractors conceded that he was smart, politically savvy, and had put together a team of brilliant advisors and managers. 

Everyone expected that President Obama would carry the cool professionalism and political acumen of his campaign into his administration.

What the hell happened?

Since the election, the Obama team has become The Gang That Couldn’t Appoint Straight.

Today, both his nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services (Tom Daschle) and his nominee for Chief Performance Officer (Nancy Killefer) were forced to withdraw their nominations because of tax problems (or worse).  Last week, Obama’s nominee for Treasury Secretary (Timony Geithner) was approved by the Senate only after offering a mea culpa for his own tax issues.  And Obama’s first nominee for Commerce Secretary (Bill Richardson) was forced to withdraw his nomination when it became known that he is under federal grand jury investigation into improper pay-to-play business dealings (or worse).

Who is to blame for this mess?

As the executive director of Obama’s transition team, Obama’s Harvard Law classmate Chris Lu bears much of the responsibility, as does transition team co-director John D. Podesta and personal director Jim Messina (now Deputy White House Chief of Staff), as well as White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, Senior Advisor (and formerly chief campaign strategist) David Alexrod, and Staff Secretary Lisa Brown.

Along with the White House’s expressions of “regret” and “disappointment,” someone (probably from the group named above) should step forward and admit that they had the responsibility to vet these nominees and that they’ve (repeatedly) blown it.

Much of Obama’s post-election popularity – and his political capital – rests on the belief that we finally have a president who is smart enough, engaged enough, and politically savvy enough to navigate the ship of state through the very dark and troubled waters ahead.

With a series of highly publicised botched appointments to several of the most crucial cabinet positions, Obama risks undermining that belief and squandering his political capital before it is even spent.

My concern is not so much with the nominees themselves (and I’m not sure where I come down regarding the seriousness or deeper implications of their tax and other problems), but with the lack of competence and completeness in their vetting by the Obama team.

The danger is that the public will reverse its perception of Obama as having his (and our) act together. That would be very bad for Obama, for Democrats, and for the country.


  1. You rhetorically ask "Who is to blame for this mess?" and then you miss the obvious- Obama. Face it, The One is fallible. He even admitted hat he "screwed up" with the Daschle nomination.
    No question there were some major screw ups by the transiton team. But Obama insisted on his long time friend geithner and Richardson and Daschle were priorities for Obama because of their critical support during the primary campaign. Obama seemed to have forgotten—and his staff as well–about the primary and general election promises he made about his appointments.
    I like a person who takes responsibility and doesn't dump on his staff. Obama did just that and
    will hopefully ride herd on Rahm and the rest to avoid these screw ups.

  2. Michael,

    Isn't it the Obama team that is uncovering the indiscretions of these individuals and bringing them to light via the information supplied by the candidate?

    One has to get info before an analysis can be performed and a decision made. I for one don't mind a President who admits to an error in this matter. We just endured eight years of a President who never admitted to a mistake despite making more wrong decisions that right ones.

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