Diane Harkey & the Dana Point Conspiracies

Apparently, Dana Point Mayor Diane Harkey has been seeing black helicopters in the sky for quite some time. Last week, the Recall Diane Harkey campaign released a voicemail that Harkey had left to a former supporter, in which she was accusing one of her colleagues on the city council of conspiring with certain constituents who were “out to get” her. Take a listen for yourself, and you’ll wonder why you can’t hear the black helicopters in the background.

OK, OK, so maybe there isn’t a grand conspiracy to undo Diane Harkey. But still, there’s something pretty sinister that’s happening in Dana Point. And perhaps Diane Harkey isn’t paying attention to what’s truly wrong in Dana Point…
Because Diane Harkey is part of it.

Follow me after the flip for more…

Dana Reed is an election law attorney based in Los Angeles. He once ran for State Senate in a Republican Primary in Orange County against John Lewis years ago, but he unfortunately lost. However, he has more than made up for that loss in building quite a lucrative law firm that represents many Republican candidates for office and Native American Casinos in their legal battles.

Oh yes, and Dana Reed is listed on the Secretary of State’s web site as the agent for service of process for “Dana Point Today”. So basically, he’s the “mysterious person” behind this mystery of a “newsletter”. Wait… Huh?! Why would such a successful election attorney in LA be interested in some rinky-dink “newsletter” in Dana Point? Maybe the answer lies with one Darryl R. Wold.

Darryl R. Wold is listed as “of counsel” to Dana’s law firm and on the firm web site, and is therefore a lawyer paid by the firm. Wold is also Harkey’s personal election lawyer. Notice the numerous payments directly to Wold by Harkey’s 2006 State Senate campaign. Harkey’s Senate campaign paid Wold $15,600 for his services, and her City Council committee paid Wold $2,370 in 2006. Oh yes, and Wold’s boss, Dana Reed, gave Harkey $250, which is listed in her most recent disclosure report for her Assembly campaign. So there we have it, we now know who’s behind this “Dana Point Today” nonsense.

But for some reason, Diane Harkey won’t take any credit for the fine PR work that she and her supporters have done for her campaign. In a recent email response, she just claimed that this is all the product of the “wild imagination” of one former council member. But wait, how could that be? Could Jim lacy truly have fabricated all the reports on the Secretary of State’s web site? And did Debra Bowen fabricate all these reports as if she were really “out to get” Diane Harkey?

It’s bad enough that Diane Harkey feels that she must deceive Dana Point residents into voting for her by having her supporters create an “official-looking newsletter” that’s actually acting as a campaign flyer. But then, Harkey and her supporters won’t even admit that they’re the ones behind “Dana Point Today”. So what are they afraid of? Are they afraid of facing misdemeanor charges for violating Dana Point Municipal Code Chapter 1.04?

1.04.070 Penalties.

Any person or persons violating the provisions of Sections 1.04.010 through 1.04.050 shall be guilty of an offense chargeable as a misdemeanor and subject to punishment in accordance with Section 1.01.200 of this Code. Each and every day during any portion of which the provisions of Sections 1.04.010 through 1.04.050 are violated, shall constitute a separate offense and may be punished accordingly. (Added by Ord. 93-01, 1/12/93).

Hmmm, that wouldn’t look good for someone running for State Assembly! Wouldn’t the Dana Point Mayor know better than to misuse the city seal for a partisan campaign? And wouldn’t she also tell her campaign advisers, consultants, and attorneys to not misuse the city seal in the way they have now done? There’s something so wrong about a mayor misusing her own city seal for something that definitely is NOT “official city business”.

But wait, what’s wrong with all of this doesn’t end with the city seal. There is a bigger issue of trust here. This is yet another example of Diane Harkey betraying the trust of her own community. The people who received this “newsletter” are being duped into thinking that this is nonpartisan information. But now, we know that this “newsletter” is actually tied to a partisan political campaign. This may not just involve an illegal use of the city seal, but also a very unethical ploy to gain votes in a State Assembly race. And I don’t know how else to say this, but that’s just wrong.

So perhaps there really is a strange conspiracy going on in Dana Point, one that’s deceiving voters into believing what’s false and dismissing what’s true. And maybe, just maybe, this conspiracy is happening totally “under the radar”. No wonder why Diane Harkey senses those black helicopters.


  1. Good Report, Andrew…HARKEY MUST BE STOPPED. I ask for your readers to show at 4100 MacArthur Blvd. The Koll Center, Newport Beach. We will be at the corner of MacArthur Blvd. and Von Karmen. We will be issueing free teeshirts, hats, bumper stickers, and we will provide nice and readable signs,etc. Our group website is Ethics Matter/Recall Diane Harkey. We would appreciate your support. Peace, Robert and Colleen Traphagen

  2. It’s hard to see in the youtube video.

    Did Dana Harkey extend her middle digit towards the audience as she left the Council chamber?

  3. Oops, I forgote th date and time. We will be gatherin on the corner of MacArthur Blvd. and Von Karmen at 5:00 PM (SHARP) on this Thursday Aug., 16, 2007….Robert and Colleen

  4. Robert- Don’t worry… I’ll be there! Oh yes, and here’s a useful linky to your web site…


    Folks, check it out! They have even MORE audio and video on Diane, IN HER OWN WORDS. It’ll DEFINITELY blow your mind away! 😉

    Aunt Millie-

    I know, I know. It’s hard to see. Apparently, she did extend her middle digit as she left, but it’s hard to tell on that video. But at the very least, WE CAN SEE THAT SHE ABRUPTLY LEFT. And even if it were just that, leaving the council chambers during public comments of a council meeting is a VERY SOPHOMORIC thing for a sitting mayor to do. Cheese louise, and folks wonder why so many Dana Point residents are unhappy with their mayor…

  5. I didn’t see anything resembling a middle finger in the video and have actually heard from one of the residents at that meeting that Diane was definitely not the one who said the profanity. She’s clearly out of the room when it’s said. I’d like to see what happened prior to her departure. Why would she have left the meeting? Is she the only one in the wrong? I wouldn’t know because we only have a 2 minute segment of her leaving the room to judge. And considering people are falsely claiming that she cursed in it, I’m inclined to discredit their other comments about that council meeting in general.

    As for her being paranoid, there seems to be the same few people on every blog repeating the same venomous attacks, so maybe I would be paranoid too. It doesn’t sound like all of DP is unhappy, sorry to inform you. And I don’t think that the 4 or 5 people who constantly flood the blogs count as “so many Dana Point residents” either. I’m one DP resident who’s proud to support Diane and I know for a fact that I’m not in the minority!

  6. Marie-

    So how do you explain this “Dana Point Today” nonsense? I notice that you never actually brought up the faux newsletter. If Diane Harkey were really in such a strong position in DP, then why must she have her nimions send out this deceptive “newsletter” to dupe people into feeling good about her?

    Oh yes, and about that now infamous meeting… Whether or not she actually cursed at residents during public comments, a mayor should NOT just leave in the middle of a council meeting. If she can’t even take the heat of a city council meeting, then what makes us think she’s ready for Sacramento?

    Just askin’…

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