Where’s my Schoenkopf?

Many of us here in OC have had trouble finding witty political gossip, smutty nightlife yarns, and stories about heavy menstrual cycles since Commie Girl left the OC Weekly.

I’ve got your Commie-fix; Rebecca Schoenkopf (a.k.a. Commie Girl) is writing again, this time at FourStory.org, which she calls a‚ “non-boring site on smart development and affordable housing issues.

From the press release:

This housing advocacy site will not be the result of consensus. It will be fact-based advocacy with a human perspective. We will support (or highlight?) new affordable housing development that is sustainable, green and well-designed. We will support preservation of existing housing and engage the debate on what that means and how to achieve it.

We’ll aim to be the site of record where personal point of view prevails. We will feature in-depth interview/discussions about the future of Southern California with people who can make a difference in the outcome. We will highlight art and artists. We’ll include photography. Mostly we’ll have great writing (including fiction) from talented and thoughtful (if currently underemployed) writers. We’ll provide links to all the existing sites already mentioned. If we can figure out some kind of relevance, we’ll have music too. We’ll have opinion, yours and ours. We will always strive for excellence. And we will try to have an impact on what Southern California will look like in 50 years.

Visit FourStory.org to read more.


  1. Thank you, Mike! And thank you, Commie Girl, for not abandoning us! Now that I know where to get my Commie fix, I can laugh freely again while I get educated. No one can make the affordable housing case better (and certainly not in a sexier way!) than Rebecca. 😉

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