Denial is not a river in Egypt; it’s found in posts on the Flash Report


“…will close by echoing the first observation in Tom Del Becarro’s column today — our candidates are ALL so much better than the Democrats. That is FOR SURE.”
Jon Fleischman, May 16, 2007

“By in large, the field of 10 presents a better alternative than the Democrats – that’s the easy observation.” — Tom Del Becarro, Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party, May 16, 2007.

— Hate to break it to you guys, but a Ham Sandwich is a better candidate for president than any of the Republicans.  Denial is not just a river in Egypt.  It’s displayed daily in posts on the Flash Report.

And Mr. Fleischman declared Ronald Reagan a victor in the debate last night.

What is it about conservatives and Ronald Reagan?  Ronald Reagan is dead.  He did run campaigns based on optimism, unlike your current party leadership who can only run on fear.  Fear of terrorists.  Fear of a Hillary Clinton presidency.  That worked so well for you in the “Fear Speaker Pelosi” campaign last November.  Honestly, with no disrespect to Gay men (vouch for me guys), Republicans obsession with Ronald Reagan is like the stereotypical gay men’s obsession with Barbara Streisand or Liza Minelli.  But please note how amused we are that no one utters W’s name publicly in these debates.

But let’s turn the wayback machine on to, oh, say, two weeks ago, when this post from the aolelection blog, came out.

All Democrats Top All Republicans
Posted May 5th 2007 3:59PM

According to the most recent Newsweek Poll, all the leading Democratic candidates beat all the leading Republican candidates. Barack Obama beats the leading Republicans by larger margins than any other Democrat: 50 to 43% over Rudy Giuliani, 52 to 39% over John McCain and 58 to 29% over Mitt Romney. Obama is seen as the most optimistic candidate (a consistent measure of electability) in either party at 51% (compared to 47% for John Edwards, 46% for Hillary Clinton, 45% for Giuliani, 40% McCain and 27% Romney). Edwards defeats the Republicans by more than Clinton in the head-to-head match-ups., . beats the leading Republicans by larger margins than any other Democrat: 50 to 43% over , 52 to 39% over and 58 to 29% over . Obama is seen as the most optimistic candidate (a consistent measure of electability) in either party at 51% (compared to 47% for , 46% for , 45% for Giuliani, 40% McCain and 27% Romney). Edwards defeats the Republicans by more than Clinton in the head-to-head match-ups., . beats the leading Republicans by larger margins than any other Democrat: 50 to 43% over , 52 to 39% over and 58 to 29% over . Obama is seen as the most optimistic candidate (a consistent measure of electability) in either party at 51% (compared to 47% for , 46% for , 45% for Giuliani, 40% McCain and 27% Romney). Edwards defeats the Republicans by more than Clinton in the head-to-head match-ups.Of some note, President Bush’s approval rating is now down to 28%, which may be dragging down the Republican candidates. The 28% is an all-time low for Bush in this poll. 71% of Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States (which is always an interesting statistic because it will include those who think we aren’t going far enough in a certain direction, as well as those who think we have gone too far in that same direction).


  1. Democrats could run a tuna sandwich and beat any of these Republican candidates.

    And with a candidate like Barack Obama heading the ticket and pulling in new voters, the Democratic party could come out of the election with not only the Presidency, but also much better numbers in both the House and Senate.

    Bush and his cronies have wrecked the Republican party, and all of their lies and corruption are oozing out under a Congress that is actually fulfilling its oversight function.

  2. This is good news. Jon tried to convince the CA GOP how they had made great gains in the last election. When in reality the stayed the same at the State level. Stayed the same in the legislature, and lost ground in the Congressional seats.

    I am encouraged more than ever.

  3. Let’s not forget the 39% that would support impeachment of Bush AND Cheney, a number that will only grow as further evidence of Republican lies, corruption, cronyism, and massive incompetence continues to emerge from Congressional oversight.

    The American people are way ahead of the elected leaders here, with declining identification with the Republican party, and record contributions to a very strong field of Democratic candidates.

    It’s gonna be hard being a Republican as the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.

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