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Same song, different tune

May 31, 2007 10

Matt Cunningham posted a skewed story over at The OC Blog and The Flash Report about Loretta Sanchez. Cunningham says that Sanchez “put the kibosh” […]

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Scary Neocons

May 31, 2007 13

This opinion piece ran in today’s Wall Street Journal.   A call to Bomb Iran.  

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Denial on Doolitte

May 31, 2007 1

I must say I admire Flash Report publisher Jon Fleischman for his loyalty and consistency.  With most of the reality-based community expecting Congressman John Doolittle […]

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A bubbling cauldron at UCI?

May 31, 2007 23

Special Commentary from Andrew Davey at Calitics Last night, UCI Chancellor Michael Drake met with Jewish students to discuss the recent unrest on campus. Here’s […]

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Step up for Brandt

May 31, 2007 0

Again, this isn’t directly related to OC Politics, but I feel like Brandt is one of us…so here it is. It looks like Jim Brandt […]

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Fred Thompson Jumping In

May 30, 2007 1

The Washington Post is reporting today that former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson has formed an exploratory committee to run for president.  Thompson all but announced […]

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DeYoung in the 73rd?

May 29, 2007 4

More and more people are talking about Cassie DeYoung making a run for the 73rd State Assembly District seat next year. Matt Cunningham at the […]

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Making Choices

May 29, 2007 5

Cindy Sheehan resigned her position today as the most vocal anti-war annoyance out there. Yeah, as you can tell, I don’t like her so much. […]