GG Council says “Who cares what the voters want?”

We’ve been speculating about whom the Garden Grove Council will be appointing to fill the seat that Janet Nguyen vacated when she was elected to the Board of Supervisors, but there is a little something that nobody seems to be talking about.

In 1990, Garden Grove voters passed ballot Measure B (an advisory measure) that became Garden Grove Resolution number 7307-90.  The measure says that if a vacancy is created by an election to another office, the council should appoint the first runner-up in the previous council election.

So why are the 4 council members looking to appoint someone to fill that vacant seat?  The voters of GG have said that in this scenario, they want their representatives to appoint the runner-up from the election last November (Harry Krebs).

Does anyone know why the 1990 measure was only an advisory measure?  Does it have something to do with state law?

1 Comment

  1. Where is Mark Leyes when you need him?

    I believe it was simply the way the measure was written. I think it was something the Council put on the ballot to gauge public opinion about the idea, but leave them a back door to exit through and do whatever they wanted later.

    Since that time Mark Rosen and Harry Krebs have been appointed to fill vacancies and each time they were not even on the previous election ballot. Each time the advisory measure has been cited and the idea of appointing the 1st Runner Up was rejected. Rosen was appointed over Councilman Bob “Tax Fighter” Dinsen who lost his bid for reelection and Harry Krebs was apponted over George Brietigam.

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