It’s been unintentionally leaked to that one of the early endorsements that the GOP made back in July is going to be the source of some nasty newspaper headlines in the coming days.
The source said that James Gomez, the La Habra City Councilman that is currently running for re-election and has been endorsed by the Orange County Republican Party, is being investigated by the FBI regarding some pretty serious corruption accusations. The accusations, according to the source, are all based on truths. “We’ve got our own local Duke Cunningham,†he said.
Bring on the headlines.
A “source” told me that you don’t know shit about shit.
Time will tell.
Well, a “source” told me that the OC GOP is rotting from its own horrid corruption.
Really… Should we be surprised by something like this?
From sea to shining sea, the GOP is faltering.
Mr. “You Don’t Know Shit About Shit” should pay closer attention to what’s going on in local government. Can you say “consultant”? Phil Adendron