Prop 8 Campaign Threatens Business Leaders

Extortion For DummiesSACRAMENTO, Calif. – 10/23/2008 – Today, a San Diego business leader against Proposition 8 announced he received a letter from the Proposition 8 Executive Committee requesting funding and revoking his endorsement of the NO on Prop 8 campaign.

The Prop 8 campaign, which continues to lie about schools, children and tax-exempt status, has now escalated activities to threaten and intimidate businesses opposed to Prop 8.

“On October 20, 2008, I received a certified-mail letter for the Prop 8 campaign requesting I withdraw my support of Equality California (EQCA) and demanding that I donate the same amount of money that I donated to the NO on Prop 8 campaign,” said Jim Abbott, Managing Partner of Abbott & Associates/Abbott Realty Group of San Diego, Calif. “The Prop 8 letter was very threatening if I chose to continue to fully exercise my right to support the NO on Prop 8 campaign.”

“This type of outrageous scare tactic from Prop 8 is intolerable. As a business owner, practicing Catholic, and civic leader who has served on the EQCA board for nearly three years, I believe in equality and rights for all…especially for my employees, 25 percent of whom are LGBT,” Abbott said.

“This is just the latest example of the appalling dirty politics being conducted by the Prop 8 campaign,” said Geoff Kors, NO on Prop 8 Executive Committee Member.

Virtually every major newspaper in California has editorialized against Prop 8, stating that “the state constitution shouldn’t be used to turn some people into second-class citizens. Vote “no” on Proposition 8.” (Fresno Bee) For a complete list of NO on 8 endorsements, visit

click here to read the Prop 8 letter to Jim Abbot of Abbot & Associates (pdf) 


  1. A vote for Prop 8 is a vote for hate. It seems the proponents of Prop 8 believe that homosexuality is a choice. They believe that children can be taught homosexuality. They want to deny gays equality because of irrational fears and stereotypes.

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